Dongguan Ole Textile Co., Ltd.

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Jäälangan ommelkuviot: Kankaan tuntua parantava

Aika : 2024-10-22Hits : 0

Joustavuus ja mukavuus Rib Stitchillä
One of the stretching and comfortable stitches that is easily created and looks great with Ice Yarn, is the rib stitch. This pattern consists of alternating knit and purl across the row, adding the fabric with a little bit of texture and elastic. The Ice Yarn has nice soft elasticity which makes it suitable for cuffs, collars, fitted sweaters and hats as it comes and shapes to the bodys form. For enhancing the sheen of the Ice Yarn and providing a good finish for knitted garments, the rib stitch has always been the stitches of choice for knitters wanting to produce good quality garments.

Pitsikuviot: Varmista, että verho on kevyt ja ilmava 
Lace stitch patterns are ideal for utilizing the soft and light nature of the Jäälanka. Mallit, jotka tarjoavat suuremman harjakattoisuuden, kuten lehdet tai yksinkertaiset silmukat, luovat mukavan kankaan, joka putoaa kunnolla. Pitsikuvioiden häirintä tai käyttö Hawlissa, huiveissa tai jäälangasta valmistetuissa kesätopeissa lisää tyyliä ja armoa. Ompeleen yksityiskohta langan viileällä tunteella saa kankaan tuntumaan vartaloistuvalta, mutta laadultaan hellävaraiselta, mikä on ihanteellinen minimalististen asusteiden luomiseen. 

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Stockinette ja sukkanauhaommel: korostavat langan sileyttä
Stockinette stitch as you know consists of knitting rows of the knit side alternated with the purl rows for the smooth texture on one side and bumpy on the other side also has dry texture and surface. This design works as a building block to enhance the natural shines of the Ice yarn to fashion a fabric not only attractive to look at but pleasant to touch. On the contrary, the completed stitch design by knitting each row of it, which is joins, and thickens and imparts Ice Yarn with a soft feel that makes it suitable for warm blankets and thick scarves.

OLE: Ihanteellinen jäälanka neuletarpeisiisi
When selecting yarn for knitting, OLE offers many options for Ice Yarn to choose from. We carries a variety of yarns that are used for creating lace with smooth Ice Yarn, textured Ice Yarn for more textures, and blended yarns containing other fibers for different looks and finishes. A premium level of quality and consistency is ensured so that when you are hand knitting fabrics, it will be easy to obtain the appropriate look and feel. OLE Ice Yarn selection is so designed to enable the clients execute their creative thoughts perfectly to how they envisioned their projects.

Langan lisäksi OLElla on myös muita työkaluja ja tarvikkeita neulomiseen, mukaan lukien ommelmerkit ja kuvio-ohjaimet sekä laadukkaat neulepuikot. Olitpa sitten neulomassa monimutkaista pitsihuivia tai erittäin helppoa sukkanauhaommelpeittoa, OLEn tuotteet parantavat neulekokemusta alusta loppuun. Lankojen ja ommelkuvioiden yhdistelmän ansiosta käsin neulomisessa on loputtomat mahdollisuudet ja tuloksena on korkealaatuisia ja tyylikkäitä käsin neulottuja vaatteita.

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