Dongguan Ole Textile Co., Ltd.

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Besta samsetningin af styrk og mýkt: Kjarnaspunnin garntækni

Tími: 2024-07-16Hits : 0

Kjarnaspunnið garn eða kjarnaspunnið garn er einstök textíltækni þar sem mismunandi trefjar eru sameinaðar náið í gegnum spuna.kjarna spunnið garnÁ bak við þessa tækni er að nota "kjarna" sem getur verið hvaða trefjar sem er sem hefur styrk á meðan aðrar trefjar eru vafðar utan um það. Þetta gerir okkur kleift að hafa einn þráð með bæði hörku og mýkt sem er ekki mögulegt með flestum hefðbundnum þráðum.

Styrkur og mýkt samsetning
What makes Core Spun Yarn so good is its ability to combine strength and softness in the perfect way. For instance, polyester fiber has high tensile strength as well as resistance against wear but feels rough therefore making it unsuitable for creating delicate garments like underwear. On the other hand, cotton fiber may be very smooth but lacks enough durability hence not being appropriate for items subjected to gravity or friction forces. Nevertheless, if we employ Core Spun Yarn technology then we will use polyester fiber as the “core” while cotton fiber forms the “sheath” resulting in tough yet soft yarns.

Umsóknir um kjarnaspunnið garn
Core-spun yarn finds wide applications across many sectors. Within the clothing industry, it is used in making denim jeans, work wear, and sportswear among others whereas at home sheets can be made from it together with curtains, sofa covers or even carpets where need be. Car seats , seat belts filters are also industrial products that can be produced using core spun yarns.

Að lokum
Basically what I mean is that the advent of this technique has revolutionized textile industry since now there’s no more trade-off between robustness and comfort brought about by core spun yarns

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