Dongguan Ole Textile Co., Ltd.

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Vantaggi del filato di viscosa nella produzione tessile

Tempo: 2024-09-09Hits : 0

Considerazioni ambientali
Viscose yarn, on the other hand, is derived from cellulose, which is obtained from wood pulp. This organic origin allows the filato di viscosacompetere favorevolmente con le fibre prodotte in termini di sostenibilità. C'è una controversia sull'impatto sull'ambiente dei processi di produzione, anche se è stato osservato che la tecnologia si sta evolvendo verso alternative meno dannose. Potrebbero esserci diverse ragioni per questo, ma per prima cosa, c'è stata una crescente concorrenza tra i marchi nella ricerca di diventare più ecologici e il filato di viscosa in un certo senso aiuta a realizzare questo obiettivo.

Traspirabilità e comfort
The very first reason why viscose yarn is in great demand to be used in the clothing is the comfort it provides. The fabric created is made out of viscose yarn, which is smooth and gentle to the skin and is delicately draped in such a manner that it is soft and absolutely luxurious when worn. Besides, moisture can easily be removed from the viscose yarn since it is highly absorbent, and this means that it can be used in fabrics whose purpose is to be comfortable and to allow free flow of air even when it is hot outside.

Versatilità nelle applicazioni
Being a textile filament, viscose yarn is very versatile and can be applied in different ways. Viscose yarn can easily be woven or knitted into fabrics that are used for casual wear, business wear, or any other appropriate fashion designs. Amoung the fiber types, viscose yarn has the ability to mix with poly-cotton or wool and such compositions allows fabric manufacturing aimed at better properties, for example, higher strength or finer surface.

Affinità con i coloranti
In addition, viscose yarns easily accept different dyes that means that they can be dyed in order to achieve any color desired wrinkle resistant fabrics in the viscose yarns. Such features are particularly appreciated by modern designers who want their models to be bright and unusually colorful. It is wonderful to realize that the substances that add value to the textile products have been designed to look beautiful to the man.

Viscose yarn is less expensive when measured against some other types of natural fibers. This appealing characteristic makes it possible for the producers to make high quality textiles at normal costs. One of the main reasons is the inexpensive price of viscose yarn which makes it possible to create many different products from every day’s goods to high end haute couture.

OLE: il valore aggiunto per l'industria
At Ole such key advantages, especially in the production of viscose yarn. It is this dedication to quality and innovation that our OLE branded viscose yarns to comply with even the strictest requirements of the textile market. OLE’s viscose yarn is therefore an interesting option when it comes to sourcing new material if you are a fashion designer or incorporating green technologies in your work if you are a manufacturer.

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