Dongguan Ole Textile Co., Ltd.

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اسان سان رابطو ڪريو

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Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn

موڙڻ وارو وڌائڻ لچڪدار نائلون يارن 6 جرابن لاء ڊي ٽي وائي 100٪ نائلون ٽيڪسٽائل يارن خام سفيد رنگ رنگيل سوڪ يارن

او ايل جي پريميم نائلون ڪپڙي سوت سان معيار ۾ آخري ڳولا ڪريو، غير معمولي استحڪام، بي مثال نرمي، ۽ توهان جي سڀني ٺاهڻ جي ضرورتن لاء متحرڪ ايپليڪيشنون پيش ڪن ٿا.


اسان جي پريميم ٽوئسٽنگ اسٽريچ لچڪدار نائلون يارن سان توهان جي بنائڻ جي منصوبن کي بلند ڪريو، اسان جي نائلون يارن مجموعي ۾ هڪ اسٽيپل. هي 100٪ نائلون سوت کي رنگيل رنگن جي ڀرپور پيليٽ پيش ڪرڻ لاء محتاط طور تي ٺاهيو ويو آهي، انهي کي يقيني بڻائي ٿو ته توهان جي تخليقات جيترو متحرک آهن جيئن اهي پائیدار آهن.

اهم خاصيتون:

  • پريميم معيار: بهتر طاقت ۽ ڊگهي عمر لاء 100٪ نائلون مان ٺاهيو ويو.
  • متنوع رنگ اختيار: رنگيل رنگن جي هڪ وسيع رينج مان چونڊڻ لاء، توهان کي پنهنجي منفرد انداز جو اظهار ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿو.
  • متحرڪ استعمال: مختلف بنائڻ جي ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ نمونن لاء مناسب.
  • سان ڪم ڪرڻ لاء آسان: سوت جي ساخت کي يقيني بڻائي ٿو ته هڪ هموار ۽ مزيدار بنائڻ جو تجربو.
  • قيمتي اثرائتي: هول سيل قيمتن تي پيش ڪيو ويو آهي، اعلي معيار جي سوت کي سڀني تائين رسائي بڻائي ٿو.


  • جرابون: شاندار ۽ پائیدار جرابون ٺاهيو جيڪي ٻنهي فيشن ۽ آرام سان آهن.
  • گھر جي سجاوٽ: ڪسٽم ٺاهيل تڪيون، اڇلائڻ ، ۽ ٻين آرائشي شين سان توهان جي رهائش واري جڳهه تي رنگ جو ڇڪ شامل ڪريو.
  • فيشن لوازمات: ڊزائن ٽرينڊي ٽوپي، دستانن، ۽ ٻين لوازمات جيڪي توهان جي ذاتي مزاج کي ظاهر ڪن ٿا.
  • تحفا: پيارن کي هڪ سوچيندڙ ۽ ذاتي تحفي جي طور تي هڪ هٿ سان ٺهيل شيء پيش ڪريو.

اسان جي ڦرندڙ اسٽريچ لچڪدار نائلون يارن سان ڳنڍڻ جي فن ۾ شامل ٿيو ۽ توهان جي تصور کي جهنگلي هلائڻ ڏيو جيئن توهان خوبصورت، رنگين تخليقون ٺاهيندا آهيو جيڪي وقت جي آزمائش تي بيٺل آهن.

Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn factory
مصنوعات جي تفصيل
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn manufacture
نائلون ڊي ٽي وائي خاصيتون:

طاقت ۽ لچڪ
The strength and resilience to the impact of nylon dty are both excellent. The fabric is light and has good elasticity, and it is primarily constructed of nylon dty yarn. The most significant benefits of using nylon dty are its high strength and resistance to abrasion.

گرمي جي مزاحمت
Because nylon has a low melting point, the material's resistance to heat is not very high. Blending or interweaving various fibers is the primary purpose for its application in the knitting and silk industries. It is significant to consider the temperature when working with nylon cloth.

Hygroscopicity is a typical property of nylon dty. Nylon dty, on the other hand, has superior hygroscopicity when contrasted with polyester yarn. Additionally, nylon dty possesses antistatic qualities, which enables it to fulfill the needs of mines and the mechanical applications they use.

ڪيميائي استحڪام
Nylon has excellent chemical stability and tolerance to alkalis. However, it is not resistant to acids. In the meantime, it
possesses unusual fatigue and deformation resistance.

هلڪي تيزي
The fact that nylon has a low resistance to sunlight is perhaps its most significant drawback. After getting exposed to sunlight for a long time, it will weaken and turn a yellowish color. Because of this, one of the most significant considerations when working with nylon materials is the amount of available light.
شين جو نالو
موڙڻ وارو وڌائڻ لچڪدار نائلون يارن 6 جرابن لاء ڊي ٽي وائي 100٪ نائلون ٽيڪسٽائل يارن خام سفيد رنگ رنگيل سوڪ يارن
120 قسمن کان وڌيڪ رنگ
70D يا خريدار جي ضرورتن تي منحصر آهي
بين الاقوامي معيار
ڪارٽن سائيز: 65 * 55 * 25
30 ٽڪرا في ڪارٽن
درخواست ڏيڻ
ويبنگ، جرابون، سوئٽر، اسپورٽس ويئر، جوتا مواد، ماسڪ ڪن جي پٽيون، دستانو، اسڪارف، سوئٽر، ريبڊ ڪپڙا
اعلي رنگ جي تيزي ، اعلي تڪليف ، گهٽ سڪون ، گهٽ ڀڃڪڙي
Dyed DTY
70D / 24F / 2 100D / 36F / 2
تفصيلي تصويرون
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn supplier
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn factory
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn supplier
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn factory
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn manufacture
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn supplier
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn supplier
رنگ ڪارڊ
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn details
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn details
درخواست ڏيڻ
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn details
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn manufacture
وڌيڪ پيداوار
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn supplier
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn manufacture
ڪمپني جي معلومات
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn supplier
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn factory
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn details
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn manufacture
آزمائشي مشينون
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn details
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn manufacture
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn manufacture
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn details
پيڪيج ۽ شپنگ
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn factory
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn manufacture
Twisting Stretch Elastic Nylon Yarn 6 For Socks Knitting DTY 100% Nylon Textile Yarn Raw White Colored Dyed Sock Yarn details

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